[ecosistema urbano] lecture in Dublin

Oct 14 •

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[ecosistema urbano] will be lecturing in Dublin wednesday october 15th 18:00 h at Instituto Cervantes, Trinity College - Walton Theatre, Arts Block College Green 2 Dublín 
Belinda Tato
and Edward Conroy will present some of their recent works and talk about the cities of our future and present. [ecosistema urbano] is an open system, dedicated to architectural research and design. It is characterized by a heightened sensitivity towards ecology and a commitment to sustainable cities and a sustainable planet. In contrast with passive architectural theory and opinion, [ecosistema urbano] takes an active role, starting from a critical and propositional look at reality, then using this position as a project guideline. Architects should stop thinking exclusively in terms of materiality. Man creates artificial conditions, and he configures environments that can also be architecture. The use of non tangible materials is as important as tangible material. The contemporary architect is a manager who optimizes the available budgetary and energy resources.

more info: http://dublin.cervantes.es

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